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Free Sample Plan

Classic wooden boat plans is a collection of established wooden boat designs ranging from the early 1900’s to about 1970. Some of our own designs are Banshee, Custom Barrelback 19 and the Deep V inspired by the Donzi Sweet 16, Bantam. Other plans include Chris Craft, Hacker, Gar Wood, Riva, Switzer, barrel back, Baby Bootlegger, Flyer, Teaser. Free wooden boat plan available .

 Dory Rowboat 13’


The Rowing Dory is provided as a free sample boat plan with all required components fully lofted and only requires printing at 100% or full size.

Each part is labelled and a parts list is included to aid in location and identification. There is also a 3D model, Dory Assembly.easm which can be very useful in recognising the individual parts and how they fit, you will though need to install a free copy of Edrawings for either PC or Mac.

The link below will allow you to download a zip file, compressed, and save it to your PC. Once unzipped you can open and view the individual plan files using Adobe reader.


Below are 3 screen images showing the full size PDF plans, a general layout plan and the 3D model included with each plan set.

Rosit plans 3D model open.png
Rosit plans downlaod.png
Rosit plans PDF open.png