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Riviera 17'


Classic wooden boat plans is a collection of established wooden boat designs ranging from the early 1900’s to about 1970. Some of our own designs are Banshee, Custom Barrelback 19 and the Deep V inspired by the Donzi Sweet 16, Bantam. Other plans include Chris Craft, Hacker, Gar Wood, Riva, Switzer, barrel back, Baby Bootlegger, Flyer, Teaser.

Riviera 17'

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Riviera 17'


Here’s a great boat that’s been around for some time and embodies the looks and appeal of a sporty runabout.

She is 17 foot overall and has a max beam of 7’4”, seats up to 6 people with a maximum rating of 225hp if built properly.

Riviera includes frames, deck beams, beam knees, cut outs for chine, sheer, hatches, carlins, seats, stem, stringers etc.

All plans are in PDF and are lofted to full size. The general arrangement plan has all set up lines and spacing so there’s no guesswork!

Plans provided as PDF files for full size printing

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